(Day 25 Continued)
Today was literally the BEST day I've had in a long time. :)
1.) I went back to work and did a story on my experience with Bell's.
The man in this photo is Dr. Nagy with KE Medical Group, an extremely intelligent and delightful man. It was such a pleasure to work with him and his publicist Amanda. He further explained my condition to our viewers and stuck around all morning long to answer questions.
2.) My fabulous coworkers decorated my desk and wrote me a card welcoming me back!!
Justin R. Clark That had to take alot of courage. I am proud of her for doing it.
Kristina Miller Schmit That's what Greta Van Susteren from Fox has. I admire your spirit Shannon, you're a warrior
Jason Castro Thanks for sharing your story Shannon! Stay strong
HERE"S A LINK TO MY INTERVIEW WITH DR. NAGY.: http://www.fox5vegas.com/video?autoStart=true&topVideoCatNo=default&clipId=8775142
Castor oil is extremely helpful in the Bell’s Palsy Natural Treatment. It lessens swelling and recuperates the harmed nerve. It fortifies the facial muscles and builds their flexibility. Warm some castor oil in a skillet. Drench a meager cotton fabric into the oil and apply it to the face. Spread the pack with wool to trap the warmth.